Zespół bioelektrochemii, systemów multisensorowych i zjawisk międzyfazowych (BSMZM)
Tematyka Badawcza
- Konstrukcja klasycznych i miniaturowych (bio)sensorów
- Systemy multisensorowe, elektroniczny język, hybrydowy elektroniczny język
- Przepływowe i wstrzykowe układy analityczne z zastosowaniem sensorów jako detektorów
- Fluorescencja 2D
- Chemometryczna analiza sygnałów sensorów i matryc sensorowych
- Elektrochemiczne badania właściwości koordynacyjnych peptydów o znaczeniu biologicznym
- Monowarstwy Langmuira, warstwy podwójne
- Koloidy i granice międzyfazowe
- Napięcie powierzchniowe i reologia powierzchniowa
- Biosurfaktanty (np. saponiny)
- Wielokanałowe potencjostaty, wielokanałowe miliwoltomierze
- Spektrofotometry UV-Vis, spektrofluorymetry, czytnik płytek
- FIAlab
- Tensjometr z analizą kształtu kropli
- Analizator wielkości cząstek i potencjału zeta (Zetasizer)
- Analizator elektrokinetyczny (SurPass)
- Analizator emulsji (Turbiscan)
- Wanna Langmuira z czujnikiem potencjału powierzchniowego i mikroskopem fluorescencyjnym
Obecnie realizowane:
- P. Ciosek – Skibińska, Smak jakości, zrównoważonego rozwoju i bezpieczeństwa (TaQSSa) – oparte na sztucznej inteligencji, wysokoprzepustowe platformy multisensorowe do profilowania żywności, Opus 27, NCN
- K. Wojciechowski, Czy zapasowe białka roślinne mogą stać się źródłem biosurfaktantów? Przypadek łubinu, Opus 27, NCN
- P. Ciosek – Skibińska, Fluorescencja multispektralna wspomagana uczeniem maszynowym do analizy kokultur komórkowych, POSTDOC PW V, IDUB PW, BEYOND POB
- N. Wezynfeld, Wpływ fosforylacji peptydów Aβ na aktywność redoks ich kompleksów z jonami miedzi i proces agregacji w kontekście choroby Alzheimera, Sonata 19, NCN
- K. Głowacz , Fluorescencja multispektralna w połączeniu z metodami uczenia maszynowego do identyfikacji bakterii związanych z żywnością, Preludium 22, NCN
- P. Ciosek-Skibińska, Fluorescencja multispektralna wspomagana uczeniem maszynowym do analizy kokultur komórkowych, BEYOND POB, PostDoc PW V
- A. Tobolska, Potencjał metod elektrochemicznych w identyfikacji peptydów Aβ, WELCOME ON BOARD, IDUB PW, POB BIB
- M. Wesoły, Wykorzystanie GC–FID do wczesnego wykrywania choroby w produktach rolnych, WELCOME ON BOARD, IDUB PW, POB BIB
- M. Wesoły, Wybór metod chemometrycznych do rozpoznawania i klasyfikacji chorób cebuli na podstawie ich profili zapachowych, NChem4
- N. Wezynfeld, Potencjalnie zastosowanie aktywności redoks metalokompleksów peptydów His2 do cięcia DNA, YOUNG PW
- P. Ciosek-Skibińska, Macierze (nano)softsensorów dla celów bioanalitycznych, 2018/30/E/ST4/00481, 20-04-2019, 19-04-2024 (Sonata Bis 8, NCN)
- A. M. Tobolska, Projektowanie selektywnych metalokompleksów peptydowych opartych na sekwencji amyloidu β z motywem koordynacyjnym His-2 jako receptorów w biosensorach elektrochemicznych, 2021/41/N/ST4/00956, 17-01-2022, 16-01-2024 (Preludium 20, NCN)
- P. Ciosek-Skibińska, Fluorescencja dwuwymiarowa do nieinwazyjnego monitoringu hodowli komórkowych (BIOTECHMED-1)
- N. Wezynfeld, Badanie aktywności redoks trójskładnikowych kompleksów peptydów modelowych Aβ i Ctr, jonów Cu(II)/Ni(II) oraz wybranych neuroprzekaźników (BIOTECHMED-1)
- P. Ciosek-Skibińska, Obrazowanie (bio)elektrochemiczne jako narzędzie mikrofizjometrii komórkowej, 2014/15/B/ST4/04807, 23-06-2015, 19-07-2019 (Opus 8, NCN)
- K. Wojciechowski, Polimerowe Filmy Antybakteryjne, 2015/19/B/ST4/01748, 14-07-2016, 13-07-2019 (Opus 10, NCN)
- M. Orczyk, Badanie wpływu saponin na monowarstwy Langmuira jako układy symulujące błony lipidowe, 2014/13/N/ST4/04122, 01-01-2015, 31-12-2017 (Preludium 7, NCN)
- W. Wróblewski, Potencjometryczne matryce czujnikowe do badania uwalniania substancji leczniczych oraz pomocniczych z preparatów farmaceutycznych, 2013/09/B/ST4/00957, 07-03-2014, 06-03-2017 (Opus 5, NCN)
- M. Wesoły, Elektroniczny język do badania właściwości smakowych farmaceutyków, DI 2012 0019, 17-07-2013, 17-07-2017 (Diamentowy Grant 2 edycja, MNiSW)
- U. Wawrzyniak, Syntetyczne peptydy cysteinowe jako molekularne warstwy do badania oddziaływań jonów miedzi z beta-amyloidem, 2012/07/D/ST4/02187, 17-07-2013, 16-07-2017 (Sonata 4, NCN)
- M. Jańczyk, Wykorzystanie związków boroorganicznych jako receptorów neuroprzekaźników w elektrodach jonoselektywnych, 2012/05/N/ST4/00195, 31-01-2013, 30-01-2015 (Preludium 3, NCN)
- A. Kutyła-Olesiuk, Monitoring fermentacji alkoholowej (pod kątem produkcji wina) za pomocą (bio)hybrydowego elektronicznego języka, 2012/05/N/ST4/00207, 31-01-2013, 30-01-2015 (Preludium 3, NCN)
- K. Wojciechowski, Saponiny jako potencjalne zamienniki syntetycznych surfaktantów, 2011/03/B/ST4/00780, 21-08-2012, 20-08-2015 (Opus 2, NCN)
- K. Wojciechowski, Biosurfaktanty i biopolimery. Substancje powierzchniowo-czynne pochodzenia naturalnego, 15-05-2011, 31-03-2012 (Grant WUT)
- P. Ciosek-Skibińska, Multisensorowe narzędzia dla kontroli procesów w bioreaktorach, LIDER/17/202/L-1/09/NCBiR/2010, 01-01-2011, 31-12-2013 (LIDER I, NCBR)
- K. Wojciechowski, Badanie mechanizmu powstawania różnicy potencjałów na granicy faz roztwór – membrana jonoselektywna w obecności soli tetraalkiloamoniowych, N N204 124838, 10-03-2010, 31-08-2012 (PhD Grant, NCN)
W latach 2023 - 2026
- Azgin J., Wesoły M., Durka K., Sakurai H., Wroblewski W., Kasprzak A., Expanding the library of sumanene molecular receptors for caesium-selective potentiometric sensors, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 2964
- Ciosek-Skibińska P., Cal K., Zakowiecki D., Lenik J., Potentiometric Electronic Tongue for the Evaluation of Multiple-Unit Pellet Sprinkle Formulations of Rosuvastatin Calcium, Materials, 2024, 17(20), 5016.
- Głowacz K., Cieślik M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., The Performance of Partial Least Squares Methods in Virtual Nanosensor Array—Multiple Metal Ions Sensing Based on Multispectral Fluorescence of Quantum Dots, Materials 2024, 17(19), 4766.
- Głowacz K., Drozd M., Tokarska W., Wezynfeld N. E., Ciosek‑Skibińska P., Quantum dots‑based “chemical tongue” for the discrimination of short‑length Aβ peptides, Microchimica Acta (2024) 191:95
- Głowacz K., Tokarska W., Olechowska A., Wezynfeld N. E., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Tuning multispectral fluorescence quantum dot–based identification of short-length amyloid β peptides by applying Cu(II) ions, Microchim Acta, 2024, 191, 700.
- Kossakowska A., Szajda E., Jędryka N., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Development of Lasalocid A – Based amine-sensitive nanoparticles for “smart tongue” sensing of dietary supplements, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 407 (2024) 135463
- Pawlak K., Jopek Z., Swięcicka-Füchsel E., Kutyła A, Namo Ombugadu J., Wojciechowski K., A new RPLC-ESI-MS method for the determination of eight vitamers of vitamin E, Food Chemistry, 2024, 432, 137161
- Samel A., Wojciechowski K., Lupine protein enzymatic hydrolysates obtained in a simultaneous extraction-hydrolysis process as foaming agents, LWT, 2024, 208, 116713.
- Suksawat T., Brniak W., Łyszczarz E., Wesoły M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Mendyk A., Orodispersible Dosage Forms with Rhinacanthin-Rich Extract as a Convenient Formulation Dedicated to Pediatric Patients, Pharmaceuticals 2024, 17(8), 994.
- Szeląg D., Cyniak J. S., Ażgin J., Wagner J., Lindner M., Wróblewski W., Kasprzak A., Metal cations recognition by bowl-shaped N-pyrrolic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Chem. Commun.,2024,60,10488-10491.
- Tobolska A., Jabłońska A. E., Suwińska A., Wawrzyniak U. E., Wróblewski W., Wezynfeld N. E., The effect of histidine, histamine, and imidazole on electrochemical properties of Cu(ii) complexes of Aβ peptides containing His-2 and His-3 motifs, Dalton Trans.,2024,53, 15359-15371.
- Trofimiuk M., Olechno K., Trofimiuk E., Czajkowska-Kośnik A., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Głowacz K., Lenik J., Basa A., Car H., Winnicka K., Utilization of the Drug–Polymer Solid Dispersion Obtained by Ball Milling as a Taste Masking Method in the Development of Orodispersible Minitablets with Hydrocortisone in Pediatric Doses, Pharmaceutics, 2024, 16(8), 1041.
- Wesoly M., Daulton E., Jenkins S., van Amsterdam S., Clarkson J., Covington J. A., Early Detection of Fusarium Basal Rot Infection in Onions and Shallots Based on VOC Profiles Analysis, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2024, 72, 3664−3672
- N. E. Wezynfeld, D. Sudzik, A. Tobolska, K. Makarova, E. Stefaniak, T. Frączyk, U. E. Wawrzyniak, W. Bal, The Angiotensin Metabolite His-Leu Is a Strong Copper Chelator Forming Highly Redox Active Species, Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 26, 12268–12280
- K. Wojciechowski, K. Baran, Surface activity of Lupinus angustifolius (blue lupine) seed extracts, Food Chemistry, 2024, 452, 139592
- K. Wojciechowski, M. Gregorczyk, Are Oat and Barley Protein Concentrates Always More Surface Active than Raw Extracts?, ACS Food Sci. Technol. 2024, 4, 633−641
- K. Wojciechowski, A. Stefanowicz, Encapsulation of eucalyptus and lavender oils by spray drying improves their dispersibility, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, 401, 124634
- Zdziebłowska S., Czarnecki M., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Ruzik L., The microalgae’s ability to accumulate selected trace elements studied by ICP-MS/MS and chemometric methods, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 81 (2024) 127351
- Cal K., Mikolaszek B., Hess T., Papaioannou M., Lenik J., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Wall H. , Paszkowska J., Romanova S., Garbacz G., Zakowiecki D., The Use of Calcium Phosphate-Based Starter Pellets for the Preparation of Sprinkle IR MUPS Formulation of Rosuvastatin Calcium, Pharmaceuticals 2023, 16, 242
- Głowacz K., Skorupska S., Grabowska-Jadach I., Bro R., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Excitation−Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopy Coupled with PARAFAC Modeling for Viability Prediction of Cells, ACS Omega 8 (2023) 15968−15978
- Wesoły M., Przewodowski W., Ciosek – Skibinska P., Electronic noses and electronic tongues for the agricultural purposes, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 164, 117082
- Wojciechowski K., Borucka K., Mierzejewska J., Are all yeast biosurfactants really capable of lowering surface tension below 30 mN/m ?, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023, 230, 113503
W latach 2019 - 2022
- Czapiewska M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Lenik J., Bilski P., Gnatowski T., Krysiński J., Testing Suitability Of Sweeteners In Masking The Taste Of Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride Using The Electronic Tongue Method, Farmacia, 2022, 70(5), 798-806
- Głowacz K., Domanska M., Ciosek – Skibińska P., 2D fluorescence of QDs-Co2+ assembly for the discrimination of nucleotides, International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, ISOEN 2022 – Proceedings
- Głowacz K., Skorupska S., Grabowska-Jadach I., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy for cell viability testing in UV-treated cell culture, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 7652
- Jurek I., Szuplewska A., Chudy M., Wojciechowski K., Effect of the oat, horse chestnut, cowherb, soy, quinoaand soapwort extracts on skin-mimicking monolayersand cell lines, J Surfact Deterg., 2022, 25, 185–192
- Jurek I., Wojciechowski K., A Sebum-Mimetic Lipid Monolayer and Its Interaction with (Bio)Surfactants, Colloids Interfaces, 2022, 6, 37, 1-12
- Kalinowska A., Matusiak P., Ciosek – Skibinska P., Influence of surfactant and chromoionophore type on the performance of generic lipophilic anion-sensitive nanospheres, International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, ISOEN 2022 – Proceedings
- Kalinowska A., Wicik M., Matusiak P., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Chemosensory Optode Array Based on Pluronic-Stabilized Microspheres for Differential Sensing, Chemosensors, 2022, 10, 2, 1 -16
- Kasprzak A., Tobolska A., Sakurai H., Wróblewski W., Tuning the sumanene receptor structure towards the development of potentiometric sensors, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 468
- Kossakowska A., Kociszewska K., Kochman K., Wojciechowski K., Górski Ł., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Toward an Electronic Tongue Based on Surfactant-Stabilized Chemosensory Microparticles with a Dual Detection Mode, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 44, 50375–50385
- Olechno K., Maciejewski B., Głowacz K., Lenik J., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Basa A., Winnicka K., Orodispersible Films with Rupatadine Fumarate Enclosed in Ethylcellulose Microparticles as Drug Delivery Platform with Taste-Masking Effect, Materials, 2022, 15, 2126, 1-19
- Stokowa-Sołtys K., Szczerba K., Pacewicz M., Wieczorek R., Wezynfeld N. E., Bal W., Interactions of neurokinin B with copper(II) ions and their potential biological consequences, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 14267
- Tobolska A., Głowacz K., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Bal W., Wróblewski W., Wezynfeld N. E., Dual mode of voltammetric studies on Cu(II) complexes of His2 peptides: phosphate and peptide sequence recognition, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 18143
- Wezynfeld N. E., Bonna A. M., Płonka D., Bal W., Fraczyk T., Ni(II) Ions May Target the Entire Melatonin Biosynthesis Pathway—A Plausible Mechanism of Nickel Toxicity, Molecules 2022, 27, 5582
- Wojciechowski K., Surface tension of native and modified plant seed proteins, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 302, 102641
- Głowacz K., Drozd M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Excitation-emission fluorescence matrix acquired from glutathione capped CdSeS/ZnS quantum dots in combination with chemometric tools for pattern-based sensing of neurotransmitters, Microchimica Acta, 2021, 188,343.
- Głowacz K., Wawrzyniak U. E., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Comparison of various data analysis techniques applied for the classification of oligopeptides and amino acids by voltammetric electronic tongue, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 331, 129354.
- Goral I., Stochmal A., Wojciechowski K., Surface activity of the oat, horse chestnut, cowherb, soybean, quinoa and soapwort extracts – Is it only due to saponins?, Colloid and Interface Science Communications,2021, 42, 100400.
- Jurek I., Szuplewska A., Chudy M., Wojciechowski K., Effect of the oat, horse chestnut, cowherb, soy, quinoa and soapwort extracts on skin-mimicking monolayers and cell lines, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2021
- Jurek I., Szuplewska A., Chudy M., Wojciechowski K., Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis L.) Extract vs. Synthetic Surfactants—Effect on Skin-Mimetic Models, Molecules, 2021, 26(18), 5628.
- Pawlak K., Wojciechowski K., Precursor ion approach for simultaneous determination of
nonethoxylated and ethoxylated alkylsulfate surfactants, Journal of Chromatography A, 2021, 1653, 462421. - Tobolska A., Wezynfeld N. E., Wawrzyniak U. E., Bal W., Wróblewski W., Copper(II) complex of N-truncated amyloid-β peptide bearing a His-2 motif as a potential receptor for phosphate anions, DaltonTrans., 2021, 50, 2726.
- Tobolska A., Wezynfeld N. E., Wawrzyniak U. E., Bal W., Wróblewski W., Metal–Peptide Complexes—A Novel Class of Molecular Receptors for Electrochemical Phosphate Sensing, Chem. Proc. 2021, 5, 39.
- Tobolska A., Wezynfeld N. E., Wawrzyniak U. E., Bal W., Wróblewski W., Tuning Receptor Properties of Metal−Amyloid Beta Complexes.
Studies on the Interaction between Ni(II)−Aβ5−9 and Phosphates Nucleotides, Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 19448−19456. - Ufnalska I., Drew S. C., Zhukov I., Szutkowski K., Wawrzyniak U. E., Wróblewski W., Frączyk T., Bal W., Intermediate Cu(II)-Thiolate Species in the Reduction of Cu(II)GHK by Glutathione: A Handy Chelate for Biological Cu(II) Reduction, Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 18048−18057
- Wojciechowski K., Jurek I., Góral I., Campana M., Geue T., Gutberlet T., Surface-active extracts from plants rich in saponins – effect on lipid mono- and bilayers, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021, 27, 101486
- Chikukwa M.T.R., Wesoły M., Korzeniowska A. B., Ciosek – Skibinska P., Walker R.B., Khamanga S.M.M, Assessment of taste masking of captopril by ion – exchange resins using electronic gustatory system, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 2020, 25 – 281-289
- Cwik P. , Ciosek-Skibinska P., Zabadaj M., Lulinski S., Durka K., Wróblewski W., Differential Sensing of Saccharides Based on an Array of Fluorinated Benzosiloxaborole Receptors, Sensors, 2020, 20(12), 3540, 1-11
- Frączyk T., Bonna A., Stefaniak E., Wezynfeld N. E., Bal W., Peptide Bond cleavage by Ni(II) Ions within the Nuclear Localization Signal Sequence, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2020, 17
- Galler T., Lebrun V., Raibaut L., Faller P., Wezynfeld N. E., How trimerization of CTR1 N-terminal model peptides tunes Cu-binding and redox-chemistry, Chem.Commun., 2020, 56, 12194.
- Góral I., Wojciechowski K. Surface Acitivity and foaming properties of saponin-rich plants extracts, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 279, 102145
- Kotuniak R. , Strampraad M. J. F., Bossak-Ahmad K., Wawrzyniak U. E., Ufnalska I., Hagedoorn P.-L., Bal W., Key Intermediate Species Reveal the Copper(II)- Exchange Pathway in Biorelevant ATCUN/NTS Complexes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 11234–11239
- Orczyk M., Wojciechowski K., Brezesinski G., The influence of steroidal and triterpenoid saponins on monolayer models of the outer leaflets of human erythrocytes, E. coli and S. cerevisiae cell membranes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 563, 207–217
- Stefaniak E., Płonka D., Szczerba P., Wezynfeld N. E., Bal W., Copper Transporters? Glutathione Reactivity of Products of Cu-AB Digestion by Neprilysin, Inorg. Chem., 2020, 59, 7, 4186 – 4190
- Ufnalska I., Wawrzyniak U.E., Bossak-Ahmad K., Bal W., Wróblewski W., Electrochemical Studies of binary and ternary copper(II) complexes with alfa-factor analogues, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 862
- Wasilewska K., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Lenik J., Srcic S., Basa A., Winnicka K., Utilization of Ethylcellulose Microparticles with Rupatadine Fumarate in Designing Orodispersible Minitablets with Taste Masking Effect, Materials, 2020, 13, 2715.
- Wezynfeld N. E., Frączyk T., Bonna A., Bal W., Peptide bond cleavage in the presence of Ni – containing particles, Metallomics, 2020, 12, 649
- Wezynfeld N. E., Tobolska A., Mital M., Wawrzyniak U. E., Wiloch M. Z.,
Płonka D., Bossak-Ahmad K., Wróblewski W., Bal W., Aβ5−xPeptides: N‑Terminal Truncation Yields Tunable Cu(II) Complexes, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 14000−14011. - Wojciechowski K., Gutarowicz M., Mierzejewska J., Parzuchowski P., Antimicrobial films of poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate) and its copolymers doped with TiO2 and CaCO3, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 185, 1-8
- Durka M., Durka K., Adamczyk-Woźniak A., Wróblewski W., Dopamine/2-Phenylethylamine Sensitivity of Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Bifunctional-Symmetrical Boron Receptors, Sensors – Basel, 2019, 19, 283-293.
- Frączyk T. , Bonna A., Stefaniak E., Wezynfeld N. E., Bal W., Peptide Bond Cleavage by Ni(II) Ions within the Nuclear Localization Signal Sequence, Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2019, 17(2), e1900652
- Glowacz, K., Zabadaj, M., Wawrzyniak, U., Ciosek-Skibinska, P., The Pt-Ni composite electrode as a part of an electronic tongue sensor array, ISOEN 2019 – 18th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Proceedings, 2019, Article number 8823411
- Jurek I., Góral I., Gęsiński K., Wojciechowski K., Effect of saponins from quinoa on a skin-mimetic lipid monolayer containing cholesterol, Steroids, 2019, 147, 52-57.
- Jurek I., Góral I., Mierzyńska Z., Moniuszko-Szajwaj B., Wojciechowski K., Effect of synthetic surfactants and soapwort (Saponaria officinalis L.) extracton skin-mimetic model lipid monolayers, Biomembranes, 2019, 1861, 556–564.
- Łabanska M., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Wróblewski W., Critical Evaluation of Laboratory Potentiometric Electronic Tongues for Pharmaceutical Analysis—An Overview, Sensors 2019, 19, 5376, 1 -16
- Wasilewska K. Szekalska M., Ciosek – Skibińska P., Lenik J., Basa A., Jacyna J., Markuszewski M, Winnicka K., Ethylcellulose in organic solution or aqueous dispersion form in designing taste-masked microparticles by the spray drying technique with a model bitter drug: Rupatadine fumarate, Polymers, 2019, 11(3), 522.
- Zabadaj M., Ciosek-Skibinska P., Quantum Dots—Assisted 2D Fluorescence for Pattern Based Sensing of Amino Acids, Oligopeptides and Neurotransmitters, Sensors 2019, 19, 1-9
- Zabadaj M., Szuplewska A., Balcerzak M., Chudy M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Ion Chromatographic Fingerprinting of STC-1 Cellular Response for Taste Sensing, Sensors, 2019, 19, 1062-1072.
W latach 2015 - 2018
- Góral I., Jurek I., Wojciechowski K., How does the surface activity of soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) extracts depend on the plant organ?, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2018, 21, 797-897.
- Kutyła‐Olesiuk A., Wesoły M., Wróblewski W., Hybrid Electronic Tongue as a Tool for the Monitoring of Wine Fermentation and Storage Process, Electroanalysis, 2018, 1-8.
- Nowacka M., Tappi S., Tylewicz U., Luo W., Rocculi P., Wesoły M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Dalla Rosa M., Witrowa-Rajchert D., Metabolic and sensory evaluation of ultrasound-assisted osmo-dehydrated kiwifruit, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2018, 50, 26-33.
- Wesoły M., Zabadaj M., Cal K., Ciosek – Skibińska P., Wróblewski W., Dissolution studies of metamizole sodium and pseudoephedrine sulphate dosage forms− comparison and correlation of electronic tongue results with reference studies, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, 149, 242–248.
- Wesoły M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Comparison of various data analysis techniques applied for the classification of pharmaceutical samples by electronic tongue, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2018, 267, 570-580.
- Wojciechowski K., Kaczorowski M., Mierzejewska J., Parzuchowski P., Antimicrobial dispersions and films from positively charged styrene and acrylic copolymers, Colloids and Surfaces B – Biointerfaces, 2018, 172, 532-540.
- Zabadaj M., Szuplewska A., Kalinowska D., Chudy M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Studying pharmacodynamic effects in cell cultures by chemical fingerprinting − SIA electronic tongue versus 2D fluorescence soft sensor, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2018, 272, 264-273.
- Amelian A., Szekalska M., Ciosek P., Basa A., Winnicka K., Characterization and taste masking evaluation of microparticles with cetirizine dihydrochloride and methacrylate-based copolymer obtained by spray drying, Acta Pharmaceutica, 2017, 67, 113-124.
- Amelian A., Wasilewska K., Wesoły M., Ciosek-Skibińska P., Winnicka K., Taste-masking assessment of orally disintegrating tablets and lyophilisates with cetirizine dihydrochloride microparticles, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2017, 25, 1144-1150.
- Jarzembska K. N., Kamiński R., Durka K., Kubsik M., Nawara K., Witkowska E., Wiloch M., Luliński S., Waluk J., Głowacki I., Woźniak K., New class of easily-synthesisable and modifiable organic materials for applications in luminescent devices, Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 138, 267-277.
- Nowacka M., Mika A., Wiktor A., Ciosek P., Rybak K., Dadan M., Witrowa-Rajchert D., Application of various types of coatings in food packaging materials: sensorial assessment and health safety, Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 2017, 21, 71-75.
- Orczyk M., Wojciechowski K., Brezesinski G., Disordering effects of digitonin on phospholipid monolayers, Langmuir, 2017, 33, 3871-3881.
- Sosnowski T.R., Kubski P., Wojciechowski K., New experimental model of pulmonary surfactant for biophysical studies, Colloids and Surfaces A – Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 519, 27-33.
- Wesoły M., Cal K., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Influence of dissolution-modifying excipients in various pharmaceutical formulations on electronic tongue results, Talanta, 2017, 162, 203-209.
- Wesoły M., Zabadaj M., Amelian A., Winnicka K., Wróblewski W., Ciosek P., Tasting cetirizine-based microspheres with an electronic tongue, Sens. Actuators B, 2017, 238, 1190-1198.
- Wiloch M., Ufnalska I., Bonna A., Bal W., Wróblewski W., Wawrzyniak U.E., Copper(II) complexes with ATCUN peptide analogues – studies on redox activity in different solutions, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2017, 164, G77-G81.
- Woźny M., Tomczyk K., Wawrzyniak U., Efficient nucleophilic substitution in self-assembled monolayer of dithiol on gold, Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, 2017, 53, 97-100.
- Zabadaj M., Ufnalska I., Chreptowicz K., Mierzejewska J., Wróblewski W., Ciosek P., Performance of hybrid electronic tongue and HPLC coupled with chemometric analysis for the monitoring of yeast biotransformation, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2017, 167, 69-77.
- Zabadaj M., Chreptowicz K., Mierzejewska J., Ciosek P., Two-dimensional fluorescence as soft sensor in the monitoring of biotransformation performed by yeast, Biotechnology Progress, 2017, 33(2), 299-307.
- Ciosek P., Milk and dairy products analysis by means of an electronic tongue (book chapter), in: Electronic Noses and Tongues in Food Science, ed. M.L. Rodríguez Méndez, Elsevier, 2016, 209-223.
- Kezwoń A., Chromińska I., Fraczyk T., Wojciechowski K., Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on surface activity and surface rheology of type I collagen, Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2016, 137, 60-69.
- Kezwoń A., Góral I., Frączyk T., Wojciechowski K., Effect of surfactants on surface activity and rheological properties of type I collagen at air/water interface, Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2016, 148, 238-248.
- Kezwoń A., Wojciechowski K., Collagen-surfactant mixtures at fluid/fluid interfaces, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 509, 390-400.
- Lenik J., Wesoły M., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Evaluation of taste masking effect of diclofenac using sweeteners and cyclodextrin by a potentiometric electronic tongue. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 780, 153-159.
- Mital M., Zawisza I.A.,. Wiloch M.Z, Wawrzyniak U.E., Kenche V., Wróblewski W., Bal W., Drew S.C., Copper exchange and redox activity of a prototypical 8-hydroxyquinoline: implications for therapeutic chelation, Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 7317-7319.
- Szekalska M., Pucilowska A., Szymanska E., Ciosek P., Winnicka K., Alginate – current use and future perspectives in pharmaceutical and biomedical applications, International Journal of Polymer Science, 2016, 2016, 1-17.
- Świerczyńska A., Bohdziewicz J., Kamińska G., Wojciechowski K., Influence of the type of membrane-forming polymer on the membrane fouling, Environment Protection Engineering, 2016, 42, 197-210.
- Wesoły M., Cetó X., del Valle M., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Quantitative analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) using a potentiometric electronic tongue in a SIA flow system, Electroanalysis, 2016, 28, 626-632.
- Wesoły M., Amelian A., Winnicka K., Ciosek P., Evaluation of lyophilisates with taste-masking microshperes by electronic tongue, Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2016, 1475-1477.
- Wesoły M., Kluk A., Sznitowska M., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Influence of experimental conditions on electronic tongue results – case of valsartan minitablets dissolution, Sensors, 2016, 16, 1353-1366.
- Wiloch M.Z.,. Wawrzyniak U.E, Ufnalska I., Bonna A.,. Bal W, Drew S.C., Wróblewski W., Tuning the redox properties of copper(II) complexes with amyloid-B peptides, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163, G196-G199.
- Wiloch M.Z., Wawrzyniak U.E., Ufnalska I., Piotrowski G., Bonna A., Wróblewski W., Redox activity of copper(II) complexes with NSFRY pentapeptide and its analogues, PLoS One, 2016, 8, 1-13.
- Wojciechowski K., Orczyk M., Gutberlet T., Brezesinski G., Geue T., Fontaine P., On the interaction between digitonin and cholesterol in Langmuir monolayers, Langmuir, 2016, 32, 9064-9073.
- Wojciechowski K., Orczyk M., Gutberlet T., Geue T., Complexation of phospholipids and cholesterol by triterpenic saponins in bulk and in monolayers, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2016, 1858, 363-373.
- Wojciechowski K., Orczyk M., Trapp M., Gutberlet T., Effect of triterpene and steroid saponins on lecithin bilayers, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 510, 150-158.
- Brzozowska A., Ćwik P., Durka K., Kliś T., Laudy A.E., Luliński S., Serwatowski J., Tyski S., Urban M., Wróblewski W., Benzosiloxaboroles: Silicon benzoxaborole congeners with improved Lewis acidity, high diol affinity, and potent bioactivity, Organometallics, 2015, 34, 2924-2932.
- Ciosek P., Wesoły M., Zabadaj M., Lisiecka J., Sołłohub K., Cal K., Wróblewski W., Towards flow-through/flow injection electronic tongue for the analysis of pharmaceuticals, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2015, 207, 1087-1094.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Potentiometric and hybrid electronic tongues for bioprocess monitoring – an Overview, Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 3958-3966.
- Durka K., Głowacki I., Luliński S., Łuszczyńska B., Smętek J., Szczepanik P., Serwatowski J., Wawrzyniak U.E.,. Wesela-Bauman G,. Witkowska E,. Wiosna-Sałyga G, Woźniak K., Efficient 8-oxyquinolinato emitters based on a 9,10-dihydro-9,10-diboraanthracene scaffold for applications in optoelectronic devices, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 1354-1364.
- Mital M., Wezynfeld N.E., Frączyk T., Wiloch M.Z., Wawrzyniak U.E., Bonna A., Tumpach C., Barnham K.J., Haigh C.L., Bal W., Drew S.C., A new paradigm for Aβ and metal homeostasis? The role of N-truncation in high affinity copper binding, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2015, 54, 10460-10464.
- Orczyk M., Wojciechowski K., Comparison of the effect of two Quillaja bark saponin extracts on DPPC and DPPC/cholesterol Langmuir monolayers, Colloids and Surfaces B – Biointerfaces, 2015, 136, 291-299.
- Pein M., Kirsanov D., Ciosek P., del Valle M., Yaroshenko I., Wesoły M., Zabadaj M., Gonzalez-Calabuig A., Wróblewski W., Legin A., Independent comparison study of six different electronic tongues applied for pharmaceutical analysis, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2015, 114, 321-329.
- Wojciechowski K., Gutberlet T., Raghuwanshi V.S., Terry A., Reverse hydrotropy by complex formation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 1106-1113.
- Wojciechowski K., Kłodzińska E., Zeta potential study of biodegradable antimicrobial polymers, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 483, 204-208.
- Wojciechowski K., Zukowska G.Z., Korczagin I., Malanowski P., Effect of TiO2 on UV stability of polymeric binder films used in waterborne facade paints, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2015, 85, 123-130.
W latach 2010 - 2014
- Bak A., Daszykowski M., Kaminski Z., Kiec-Kononowicz K., Kuder K., Fraczyk J., Kolesinska B., Ciosek P., Polanski J., Probing an artificial polypeptide receptor library using a series of novel histamine H3 receptor ligands, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2014, 17, 141-156.
- Ćwik P., Wawrzyniak U.E., Jańczyk M., Wróblewski W., Electrochemical studies of self-assembled monolayers composed of various phenylboronic acid derivatives, Talanta, 2014, 119, 5-10.
- Jańczyk M., Borys K.M., Sporzyński A., Wróblewski W., Ion-selective electrodes based on organoboron compounds as neurotransmitter receptors, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 87, 568-571.
- Kezwoń A., Wojciechowski K., Effect of temperature on surface tension and surface dilational rheology of type I collagen, Colloids and Surfaces A – Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 460, 168-175.
- Kezwoń A., Wojciechowski K., Interaction of Quillaja bark saponins with food-relevant proteins, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 209, 185-195.
- Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Wawrzyniak U.E., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Electrochemical monitoring of citric acid production by Aspergillus niger, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2014, 823, 25-31.
- Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Wawrzyniak U.E., Jańczyk M., Wróblewski W., Electrochemical sensor arrays for the analysis of wine production, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 87, 580-583.
- Witkowska-Nery E., Jastrzębska E., Żukowski K., Wróblewski W., Chudy M., Ciosek P., Flow-through sensor array applied to cytotoxicity assessment in cell cultures for drug-testing purposes, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, 51, 55-61.
- Wojciechowski K., Orczyk M., Gutberlet T., Trapp M., Marcinkowski K., Kobiela T., Geue T., Unusual penetration of phospholipid mono- and bilayers by Quillaja bark saponin biosurfactant, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta –Biomembranes, 2014, 1838, 1931-1940.
- K. Wojciechowski, M. Orczyk, K. Marcinkowski, T. Kobiela, M. Trapp, T. Gutberlet, T. Geue, Effect of hydration of sugar groups on adsorption of Quillaja bark saponin at air/water and Si/water interfaces, Colloids and Surfaces B – Biointerfaces, 2014, 117, 60-67.
- K. Wojciechowski, A. Kezwoń, J. Lewandowska, K. Marcinkowski, Effect of b-casein on surface activity of Quillaja bark saponin at fluid/fluid interfaces, Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 34, 208-216.
- K. Wojciechowski, E. Skowera, E. Piętniewicz, G.Z. Żukowska, L.G.J. van der Ven, I. Korczagin, P. Malanowski, UV stability of polymeric binder films used in waterborne facade paints, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2014, 77, 298-304.
- Campana M., Webster J.R.P., Gutberlet T., Wojciechowski K., Zarbakhsh A., Surfactant mixtures at the oil-water interface, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 398, 126-133.
- Gregorowicz J., Wawrzyńska E.P., Parzuchowski P.G., Fraś Z., Rokicki G., Wojciechowski K., Wieczorek S.A., Wiśniewska A., Plichta A., Dąbrowski K., Tryznowski M., Synthesis, characterization, and solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide of hyperbranched copolyesters, Macromolecules, 2013, 46, 7180-7195.
- Jańczyk M., Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Cetó X., del Valle M., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Resolution of amino acid mixtures by an array of potentiometric sensors based on boronic acid derivative in a SIA flow system, Sensors and Actuators B – Chemical, 2013, 189, 179-186.
- Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Nowacka M., Wesoły M., Ciosek P., Evaluation of organoleptic and texture properties of dried apples by hybrid electronic tongue, Sensors and Actuators B – Chemical, 2013, 187, 234-240.
- Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Ciosek P., Romanowska E., Wróblewski W., Effect of lead accumulation in maize leaves on their chemical images created by a flow-through electronic tongue, Talanta, 2013, 103, 179-186.
- Mames I., Wawrzyniak U.E., Woźny M., Bilewicz R., Korybut-Daszkiewicz B., Neutral bis-macrocyclic nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes as π-donor receptors, Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 2382-2391.
- Wawrzyniak U.E., Ciosek P., Zaborowski M., Liu G.,. Gooding J.J, Gly-Gly-His immobilized on monolayer modified back-side contact miniaturized sensors for complexation of copper ions, Electroanalysis, 2013, 25, 1461-1471.
- Wojciechowski K., Surface activity of saponin from Quillaja Bark at the air/water and oil/water interfaces, Colloids and Surfaces B – Biointerfaces, 2013, 108, 95-102.
- Jańczyk M., Adamczyk-Woźniak A., Sporzyński A., Wróblewski W., Organoboron compounds as Lewis acid receptors of fluoride ions in polymeric membranes, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 733, 71-77.
- Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Jańczyk M., Cetó X., del Valle M., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., The application of an array of sensors based on boronic acid derivative for the quantitative analysis of amino acids, Procedia Engineering, 2012, 47, 522-525.
- Kutyła-Olesiuk A., Zaborowski M., Prokaryn P., Ciosek P., Monitoring of beer fermentation based on hybrid electronic tongue, Bioelectrochemistry, 2012, 87, 104-113.
- Piotrowski M., Lewandowska J., Wojciechowski K., Biosurfactant-protein mixtures: Quillaja Bark Saponin at water/air and water/oil interfaces in presence of b-lactoglobulin, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012, 116, 4843-4850.
- Wojciechowski K., A new device for simultaneous measurements of dynamic interfacial tension and electrical potential difference, Chemistry Letters, 2012, 41, 1099-1100.
- Wojciechowski K., Gutberlet T., Konovalov O., Anion-specificity at water-air interface probed by Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TRXF), Colloids and Surfaces A – Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2012, 413, 184-190.
- Wojciechowski K., Linek K., Anion selectivity at the aqueous/polymeric membrane interface: A streaming current study of potentiomteric Hofmeister effect, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 71, 159-165.
- Wojciechowski K., Brzozowska A., From Gibbs to Langmuir-type adsorbed layers: alkylated azacrown ethers at liquid-liquid interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 12584-12590.
- Ciosek P., Jańczyk M., Wróblewski W., Classification of amino acids and oligopeptides with the use of multi-mode chemical images obtained with ion selective electrode array, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 699, 26-32.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Potentiometric electronic tongues for foodstuff and biosamples recognition – an overview, Sensors, 2011, 11, 4688-4701.
- Sollohub K., Jańczyk M., Kutyła A., Wosicka H., Ciosek P., Cal K., Taste masking of roxithromycin by spray drying technique, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica Drug Research, 2011, 68, 601-604.
- Wojciechowski K., Bitner A., Warszyński P., Żubrowska M., The Hofmeister effect in zeta potentials of CTAB-stabilised toluene-in-water emulsions, Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, 376, 122-126.
- Wojciechowski K., Hydration energy or hydration force? Origin of ion-specificity in Ion Selective Electrodes, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 2011, 16, 601-606.
- Wojciechowski K., Piotrowski M., Popielarz W., Sosnowski T. R., Short- and mid-term adsorption behaviour of Quillaja Bark Saponin and its mixtures with lysozyme, Food Hydrocolloids, 2011, 25, 687-693.
- Wojciechowski K., Ptak N., Miniaturised flow-through PLM coupled with spectrophotometric detection for copper(II) speciation in fungicides, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 91, 493-504.
- Żubrowska M., Wróblewski W., Wojciechowski K., The effect of lipophilic salts on surface charge in polymeric ion-selective electrodes, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56 , 6114-6122.
- Jańczyk M., Kutyła A., Sollohub K., Wosicka H., Cal K., Ciosek P., Electronic tongue for the detection of taste-masking microencapsulation of active pharmaceutical substances, Bioelectrochemistry, 2010, 80, 94.
- Kutyła A., Włodkowska N., Romanowska E., Wróblewski W., Ciosek P., Badanie akumulacji ołowiu w blaszce liściowej kukurydzy zwyczajnej za pomocą zminiaturyzowanej matrycy elektrod jonoselektywnych, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2010, 10, 76.
- Mimendia A., Gutierrez J.M., Opalski L.J., Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., del Valle M., SIA system employing the transient response from a potentiometric sensor array. Correction of a saline matrix effect, Talanta, 2010, 82, 931.
- Wojciechowski K., Gutberlet T., Tikhonov A., Kashimoto K., Schlossman M., X-ray reflectivity study of the adsorption of azacrown ether at liquid-liquid interface, Chem. Phys. Letters, 2010, 487, 62.
- Wojciechowski K., Kucharek M., Wróblewski W., Warszyński P., On the origin of the Hofmeister effect in anion-selective potentiometric electrodes with tetraalkylammonium salts, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2010, 638, 204.
- Zarbakhsh A., Campana M., Webster J.R.P., Wojciechowski K., Stabilization of alkylated azacrown ether by fatty acid at the air-water interface, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 18194.
W latach 2005 - 2009
- Ciosek, P., Górski, Ł. , Toczyłowska-Mamińska, R., Biosensory, Mikrobioanalityka, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2009, 149-183.
- Ciosek P., Kraszewska Z., Wróblewski W., Polyurethane membranes used in integrated electronic tongue for the recognition of tea and herbal products, Electroanalysis, 2009, 21, 2036-2043.
- Ciosek P., Zawadzki K., Stadnik D., Bembnowicz P., Golonka L., Wróblewski W., Microelectrode array fabricated in low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) technology, J. Solid State Electrochem., 2009, 13, 129-135.
- Ciosek P., Zawadzki K., Łopacińska J., Skolimowski M., Bembnowicz P., Golonka L.J., Brzózka Z., Wróblewski W., Monitoring of cell cultures with LTCC microelectrode array, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2009, 393, 2029.
- Ciosek P., Chudy M., Górski Ł., Grabowska I., Grygołowicz-Pawlak E., Malinowska E., Wróblewski W., Potentiometric studies and various applications of solid state electrodes based on silicon and epoxy glass structures an overview, Electroanalysis, 2009, 21, 1895.
- Wojciechowski K., Kucharek M., Wróblewski W., Warszyński P., The double layer potentials at the toluene-aqueous interface in the presence of CTAB/NaBr. Implications for ion-selective electrodes, Colloids Surf. A, 2009, 343, 83-88.
- Wojciechowski K., Bitner A., Bernardinelli G., Brynda M., Azacrown ether–copper(II)–hexanoate complexes. From monomer to 1-D metal organic polymer, Dalton Trans., 2009, 1114-1122.
- Wojciechowski K., Brzozowska A., Cap S., Rzodkiewicz W., Gutberlet T., Adsorption of azacrown ethers at solid-liquid interface. Contact angle and neutron reflectivity study, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2009, 256, 274-279.
- Wojciechowski K., Kucharek M., Interfacial tension oscillations without surfactant transfer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 13457-13461.
- Zarbakhsh A., Webster J.R.P., Wojciechowski K., Neutron reflectivity study of alkylated azacrown ether at the air liquid and the liquid liquid interfaces, Langmuir, 2009, 25, 11569-11575.
- Ciosek P., Grabowska I., Brzózka Z., Wróblewski W., The analysis of dialysate fluids with the use of potentiometric electronic tongue, Microchimica Acta, 2008, 163, 139.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Miniaturized electronic tongue with an integrated reference microelectrode for the recognition of milk samples, Talanta, 2008, 76, 548-556.
- Toczyłowska-Mamińska R., Ciosek P., Ciok K., Wróblewski W., Development of the miniaturised electrochemical cell integrated on epoxy-glass laminate, Microchimica Acta, 2008, 163, 89.
- Wojciechowski K., Kucharek M., Buffle J., Mechanism of Cu(II) transport through permeation liquid membranes using azacrown ether and fatty acid as carrier, J. Membr. Sci., 2008, 314, 152-162.
- Wygladacz K., Qin Y., Wroblewski W., Bakker E., Phosphate-selective fluorescent sensing microspheres based on uranyl salophene ionophores, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2008, 614, 77-84.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Sensor arrays for liquid sensing – electronic tongue systems, Analyst, 2007, 132, 963-978.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., Performance of selective and partially selective sensors in the recognition of beverages, Talanta, 2007, 71, 738-746.
- Ciosek P., Mamińska R., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., Potentiometric electronic tongue based on integrated array of microelectrodes, Sens. Actuators B, 2007, 127, 8-14.
- Mamińska R., Kucharek M., Jóźwiak P., Garbarczyk J., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., AgI-Ag2O-V2O5 glasses as ion-to-electron transducers for the construction of all-solid-state microelectrodes, Microchim. Acta, 2007, 159, 311.
- Wojciechowski K., Hydrogen bonding between fatty acids and azacrown ethers at fluid-fluid interfaces, Progress in colloid and surface science Research, (Ed. E.A. Scarpetti), Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2007, 183-212.
- Wojciechowski K., Buffle J., Miller R., Kinetics of Adsorption of Azacrown Ether and Fatty Acid at the Toluene-Water Interface in the Presence of Metal Ions, Coll. Surf. A, 2007, 298, 63-71.
- Ciosek P., Brzózka Z., Wróblewski W., Electronic tongue for flow-through analysis of beverages, Sens. Actuators B, 2006, 118, 454-460.
- Ciosek P., Brudzewski K., Wróblewski W., Milk classification by means of an electronic tongue and SVM neural network, Meas. Sci. Technol., 2006, 17, 1379-1384.
- Ciosek P., Pokorska B., Romanowska E., Wróblewski W., The recognition of growth conditions and metabolic type of plants by a potentiometric electronic tongue, Electroanalysis, 2006, 18, 1266-1272.
- Ciosek P., Sobański T., Augustyniak E., Wróblewski W., ISE-based sensor array system for classification of foodstuffs, Meas. Sci. Technol., 2006, 17, 6-11.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., The recognition of beer with flow-through sensor array based on miniaturized solid-state electrodes, Talanta, 2006, 69, 1156.
- Ciosek P., Wróblewski W., The analysis of sensor array data with various pattern recognition techniques, Sens. Actuators B, 2006, 114, 85.
- Mamińska R., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., All-solid-state miniaturised planar reference electrodes based on ionic liquids, Sens. Actuators B, 2006, 115, 552.
- Mamińska R., Kucharek M., Józwiak P., Garbarczyk J., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., Ammonium- and nitrate-selective all-solid-state microelectrodes based on AgI-Ag2O-V2O5 glass transducer, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 2006, 51, 899-908.
- Mamińska R., Wróblewski W., Solid-state microelectrodes for flow-cell analysis based on planar back-side contact transducers, Electroanalysis, 2006, 18, 1347-1353.
- Wojciechowski K., Wróblewski W., Phosphate-selective potentiometric sensors, Encyclopedia of Sensors, Vol. 7 (Eds: C.A. Grimes, E.C. Dickey, M.V. Pishko), American Scientific Publishers, USA, 2006, pp. 387-410.
- Ciosek P., Brzózka Z., Wróblewski W., Martinelli E., Di Natale C., D’Amico A., Direct and two-stage data analysis procedures based on PCA, PLS-DA and ANN for ISE-based electronic tongue – Effect of supervised feature extraction, TALANTA, 2005, 67, 590-596.
- Toczyłowska R., Pokrop R., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., Planar potentiometric sensors based on Au and Ag microelectrodes and conducting polymers for flow-cell analysis, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2005, 540, 167.
W latach 2000 - 2004
- Ciosek P., Augustyniak E., Wróblewski W., Polymeric membrane ion selective and cross-sensitive electrodes – based electronic tongue for qualitative analysis of beverages, Analyst, 2004, 129, 639.
- Ciosek P., Brzózka Z., Wróblewski W., Classification of beverages using a reduced sensor array, Sens. Actuators B, 2004, 103, 76-83.
- Chudy M., Prokaryn P., Wróblewski W., Dybko A., Brzózka Z., Microfluidic system for phosphate determination, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 2004, 49, 299-307.
- Daniel M., Janicki M., Wróblewski W., Dybko A., Brzózka Z., Napieralski A., Ion selective transistor modelling for behavioural simulations, Water Sci. Technol., 2004, 50, 115-123.
- Wróblewski W., Dybko A., Malinowska E., Brzózka Z., Towards advanced chemical microsensors – An overview, TALANTA, 2004, 63, 33-39.
- Zachara J.E., Toczyłowska R., Pokrop R., Zagórska M., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., Miniaturised all-solid-state potentiometric ion sensors based on PVC membranes containing conducting polymers, Sens. Actuators B, 2004, 101, 207.
- Arndt M., Zadrożna I., Dybko A., Wróblewski W., Kasiura K., Palladium determination using flow-through spectrophotometric sensing phase, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B – CHEMICAL, 2003, 90, 332-336.
- Dybko A., Zachara J., Golimowski J., Wróblewski W., Miniaturized back-side contact transducer for potentiometric sensors, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 2003, 485, 103-109.
- Wojciechowski K., Wróblewski W., Brzózka Z., Anion buffering in the internal electrolyte resulting in extended durability of phosphate-selective electrodes, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2003, 75, 3270-3273.
- Wróblewski W., Dybko A., Chudy M., Brzózka Z., New ion-sensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs) with back – Side contacts for flow analysis, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003, 5124, 74-78.
- Zachara J., Wróblewski W., Design and performance of some microflow-cell potentiometric transducers, Analyst, 2003, 128, 532-536.
- Dybko A., Chudy M., Wróblewski W., Miniature ion-selective electrode for flow measurements, CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA, 2002, 47, 241-247.
- Dybko A., Wróblewski W., Analyte Recognition and Signal Conversion in Potentiometric and Optical Chemical Sensors, POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, 2002, 11, 5-10.
- Wojciechowski K., Brzózka Z., ANION RECOGNITION, WIADOMOŚCI CHEMICZNE, 2002, 56, 417-448.
- Wojciechowski K., Wróblewski W., Brzózka Z., Why do uranyl salophene ionophores lose phosphate selectivity in time? The 1H NMR and UV/Vis studies, POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2002, 76, 671-677.
- Wojciechowski K., Wróblewski W., Przygórzewska J., Rokicki G., Brzózka Z., Salophene metallocomplexes as ionophores in ion-selective electrodes – An overview, CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA, 2002, 47, 335-346.
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